Day 432… FriYO

After a restful sleep in a comfy bed, the Scot and Kiwi were welcomed by two friendly Fur Roomies.

There was the daily cuppa, poo patrol and now ball games routine. The Roomies were settled so the pair wandered to check out the Main Streets of shops. Cafe’s, Real Estate and the Scot and Kiwi’s favourite… Charity. There was even a purchase of an iconic Kiwi Bee toy for a mere $3.

Once home, the Kiwi questioned herself to purchasing a material good when she had only the Mighty Corolla or Storage shed. It was decided it was good to have classic objects that bring back great memories.

The Scot decided to empty the Mighty Corolla while the Kiwi created Roast Beef with Yorkshire Puds. Always modest… the Kiwi’s feed was delicious!

As the sun began to sink… the Fur Roomies had time to catch up on Paw Patrol News. Back at HQ, the Kiwi caught up on Property programs while the Scot had Reading Club.

Walked: 6.9km


The only time to eat diet food is while you’re waiting for the steak to cook.

Julia Child

Acknowledgement to the Author…The Kiwi and Edited by The Scot

Day 420… Sunday Snaps

One of the Fur Roomies decided to wake the Scot and Kiwi with a short greeting. They had decided it was time to start the day.

As it was a mild day, the Kiwi decided to take the Scot on a walk. The track had parts that were still under construction and also two loud angry looking dogs. This provided a diversion from the track as the dogs sounded hungry. The pair decided to head up towards the University. They came across a playing field that had 3 hooped goals… they wondered if it was the sport Quidditch from Harry Potter. Instead of broom sticks they saw noodles… their minds were in overdrive what sport was played.

As the Scot took out Steak…they strolled to Retail Land to join the thousands of other Retail Therapy customers. After 10 minutes… it was homeward bound. A total of 10.4km had been achieved.

The rest of the day was Reading Club and TV time… the Kiwi chose a documentary Call Andy and Jim featuring Jim Carey. The activities would provide the Scot and Kiwi to be fresh and energised for the new week ahead.



If you aren’t in the moment, you are either looking forward to uncertainty, or back to pain and regret.”

– Jim Carrey

Acknowledgement to the Author…The Kiwi and Edited by The Scot

Day 419…Saturday Sights

It was a day to stroll and explore the numerous tracks around the Area.

While walking along the dry drain that would be engulfed by water in winter, the pair admired the graffiti art on the buildings. They were surprised at seeing a vandal/artist spraying a new piece of art in broad daylight.

There were plenty of sculptures and mosaics that told the history of the local area.

As the local train station did not run on the weekend, the Scot and Kiwi discovered another line in easy walking distance 2.8km.

The duo decided to continue to walk towards the ocean instead of being train passengers.

Brighton Beach had a Jetty, glistening water and a Main Street filled with cafes, bakeries and bars.

Since the Scot and Kiwi walked to the beach, instead of catching a bus they walked back towards their temporary home. They had a rest at a bar that resembled New York New York in Las Vegas.

The Fur Roomies eagerly waited for their return so that they could explore the Evening Pet News on shrubs, poles and fences.

The classic movie ET entertained the pair while the Fur Roomies snored and the Scaled one bubbled.

Walked… 12.2km


Smurfs: La,la,la,la,la,la,la,la,la,la,la!


Acknowledgement to the Author…The Kiwi and Edited by The Scot

Day 416… We All Belong Wednesday

Harmony Day welcomed the duo, the Scaled one and the attention seeker’s Fur Roomies, a day to celebrate the unique skills of all (brains, hands, feet, paws, fins or tails).

21st March Harmony Day

The adventures of the day were:

Utilising Free Optus WIFI at Westfield so the Kiwi could watch clips from a 3 day online educational conference.

A walk with the Fur Roomies so they could check out the local Paw News for the day.

The pair watched a Kiwi film called… What We Do In The Shadows. A film that depicts Kiwi humour through Vampires living in Wellington. No need for the movie. Twilight.

A quiet evening hearing the Fur Roomies snore as the Scaled Roomie lapped around it’s bowl

Quote: Diversity: the art of thinking independently together.

Malcolm Forbes

Acknowledgement to the Author…The Kiwi and Edited by The Scot

Day 415… Toothy Tuesday

The Fur Roomies woke up the Scot and Kiwi with their pitter patter paws. Lucky, or the duo would of slept past 10 due to the blackout blinds.

As the Kiwi had made an appointment at the ‘Murder House’ aka Dentist they decided to wander down a track to fill in time.

Before the final brush and floss… (remember to floss everyday) the Fur Roomies had a run out the front while the Kiwi did her daily poo 💩 patrol.

The Scot farewelled the Kiwi, he could be heard laughing down the street. One day the roles will be reversed.

It was an appropriate colour for a Dentist. The color orange radiates warmth and happiness.

A female dentist gave the Kiwi the old ‘I have bad news and then bad news’. That was before even the bill was presented. The Kiwi’s molar had decided to split in two and cause an abscess. The only treatment was extraction and antibiotics.

The Kiwi got her money’s worth from the UK filling over 15 years old.

The positive… the Kiwi now had an activity on Thursday to farewell her molar and the tooth fairy might visit. 🧚‍♀️

Quote: You don’t have to brush all your teeth–just the ones you want to keep.” ~ Unknown

Acknowledgement to the Author…The Kiwi and Edited by The Scot

Day 414… The Motivated Duo.

It was a day for the Scot and Kiwi to be motivated and tackle Life Admin tasks as responsible adults. Once completed, the pair decided to wander back to Westfield for some caffeine and a stroll.

While they walked the 2km back, there was a downpour of rain. As quick as it had started it just stopped! The Rain Gods seem to be having fun with the duo over the past few days.

After another walk with the Furry Roomies, the Scaled Roomie decided to stay at home in it’s bowl. It was the Scot’s choice for Netflix, Martin Scorsese’s Gangs of New York.

Quote: It is our choices, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.”

-J. K Rowling

Acknowledgement to the Author…The Kiwi and Edited by The Scot

Day 412… Saturday 🍀

‘Top of the morning to you! The Scot and Kiwi packed up McMansion and were prepared for the big move.

Somehow the Sky Gods held off the rain until the pair had neatly packed their treasures into the Mighty Corolla.

It was a day spent dodging rain drops, plane spotting and strolling around Glenelg.


Later on there was a wonderful welcome by the Fur Roomies and even the Scaled Roomie swam to the surface to check out the duo.

The Roomies took the Scot and Kiwi for a stroll around the neighbourhood before it became dark.

An evening occupied with the Saturday night movie “The Hangover”. While the Roomies happily snored in zzzzland.

Quote: You can’t stay in your corner of the Forest waiting for others to come to you. You have to go to them sometimes.

A.A. Milne,

Acknowledgement to the Author…The Kiwi and Edited by The Scot