Back To Reality

The day had arrived to return to the reality of life. The Scot and Kiwi were in disbelief that 633 days ago they boarded the Tasmanian Ferry to start The Last Hurrah… a lap around Australia with a pit stop in Europe.

Memories memories memories…

The Mighty Corolla travelled close to 33,000km.

The Crazy Carrs

The interesting and generous house owners, people, friends and family they caught up with.

Amazing and Entertaining Fur, Feathered and Scaled Roomies. 16 Dogs, 8 Cats, 5 Ducks, 3 Chooks, 3 Fush and 1 Goat. All were accounted for at the end.

Public Transport when the Mighty Corolla was on vacation. Trains, Planes, Taxi, Uber, Ferry, Gondola and Walking feet.

There will be more mini Hurrahs in the near future.

Better not be late for our work.


Quote: Dying is inevitable, dying with regrets is avoidable.

JC 2018

Acknowledgement to the Author…The Kiwi and Edited by The Scot

Day 424… Away They Go Wednesday

The Scot and Kiwi checked out of the Hotel and strolled down the street with their backpacks.

They caught the Skycity bus to the Airport in disbelief that they were already heading to Perth to surprise the Kiwi’s family. Time flies.

While checking in the bag, the conveyor belt suddenly stopped which resulted in a wait. This wait turned out useful as a Tiger Team Member approached them and offered the duo an upgrade to the emergency exit seat as well as a queue jump to board, free of charge.

There was a bounce in their step from the surprise upgrade and they proceeded to security. The Kiwi spied sushi for brunch while the Scot was disappointed his request for an extra hot coffee was ignored by the staff at the coffee shop.

It was only a 3 hours and 51minute flight to WA and on arrival the pair caught Public Transport to the family residence. Hopefully they would be home or they would be sleeping on the streets!

The next adventure has commenced… “The Last Hurrah!”

Walked: 6.6km


Let’s not grow with our roots in the ground.

Criss Jami, Venus in Arms

Acknowledgement to the Author…The Kiwi and Edited by The Scot

Day 423… Tuesday Teachings

🚂 The Kiwi was up early to catch Thomas so she could catch-up with former work colleagues. Surprisingly Thomas was late but it meant the Kiwi would be exactly on time.

☕️ Catch ups with staff, students and families, it had not felt like 2 years since the Kiwi had left.

👯‍♂️ 🕴🏻🕺🏼 It was a good day to catch up with the Brits, farewell Melbourne and prepare for the next adventure.

Walked: 12.9km


Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.


Acknowledgement to the Author…The Kiwi and Edited byThe Scot